The quilombola people's fight for their historical, educational rights and conflicts in the countryside
Conflicts in the field, Rights, Education, QuilombolasAbstract
Discussions about the rights of the quilombola people are increasingly important in society. In this sense, the present study aimed to discuss the struggle of the quilombola people for their historical rights. It was also approached about the main conflicts in the countryside involving the quilombolas, and their issues regarding access to education. The methodology used was a bibliographic study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Through the study, it was noticed that the reality of the quilombolas in terms of access to their rights is still not ideal. Thus, it is the duty of the State to implement the right to health, education and property of these communities, as the fight against land expropriation is still very present in their lives. With regard to education, it was found that there was an increase in the number of quilombola schools in the country, which facilitates access to education. However, there is still a need to train teachers in these locations. From this perspective, it was concluded that quilombola education proves to be efficient and necessary for its people insofar as its structural and pedagogical conditions can provide an educational practice consistent with what is foreseen in the Curriculum Guideline.
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