Can the kindergarten teacher's behavior shape children's participation, communication and interaction with their peers?
Early child development is greatly influenced by individual experiences (physical, motor, and sensory) and social interactions. Learning about how the adult interacts and communicates influences the child's actions and participation. In this research, we intend to study the adult role as a social and pedagogical model for children aged between 2 and 3 years during a joint construction play activity and understand whether adult models are transferred among children of this age.
This research involved 20 children aged between 2 and 3 and 10 educators/assistants. The study took place in two phases. In the first phase, 10 adult-child dyads were filmed for 15 minutes in a free construction activity. In the second phase, the previous situation was replicated with the participating child and another child from their classroom.
Each participant was rated according to the Tandem typologies regarding participation, challenge, and relationship. The analysis and rating of the verbal behavior of participants covered eight categories: content questions, process questions, suggestions, directions, orders, teaching, praise, and disapproval. The child's interactive behavior was analyzed in terms of participation, interaction, and cooperation.
We find no strong evidence of the transfer of the adult participation and challenge model among peers, although it does occur in relational interactions. Most children carried out their activity in parallel play despite the presence of another child. However, these children partnered or collaborated with an adult in the first phase. The adult's verbal and nonverbal response and the ability to challenge the child based on their interests and opinions in a supportive climate based on empathy can open up spaces of participation for younger children.
Keywords: Tandem Project; Participation and Relational Models; Early Years; Adult Behavior and Communication
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