Cultural and Artistic Mediation in Schools: First-person Perspectives or a Voice for the Artistic-Cultural Mediator Operating in Educational and Community Contexts
Art, Education, Citizenship, Community, Artistic and Transdisciplinary Projects, Artistic and Cultural MediationAbstract
The idea that art and education should go hand in hand and the transformation that art can operate in the development of the human person and in the society in which we live is not new. Since Plato, several theorists have pointed out the added value of education with art as the basis for the holistic formation of people and as a way of creating engaged involvement and social transformation. We believe that the role of the cultural and artistic mediator working within the school can be a fundamental factor in this process and that, through their action, social and educational transformations can occur in the school and in the community. Art and life! Art, culture, life cannot, in our understanding, appear in a corseted and compartmentalized way. We believe in the role of the cultural and artistic mediator operating in an educational and community context as a way to boost processes of active, informed participation and the creation of spaces for dialogue and respect for dissent and as a promoter of active citizenship, strengthening the feeling of belonging to a community, appreciation of cultural and human diversity and inclusion. This communication reflects the first-person perspective of more than a decade as a professional at the service of the school and the community and of the projects developed in an educational and professional context since 2009.
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