The Mediation and the mediator: reflections on artistic-pedagogical experiences
Artistic Mediation, Artistic-Pedagogical Experience, SpectatorsAbstract
The present study draws a parallel and identifies the crossings between artistic mediation in the field of visual arts and theater, based on the artistic-pedagogical experiences of one of the researchers in this research as a mediator at the Solar do Barão museum and in a certain curricular discipline of the Theater Course at the State University of Paraná – Unespar, Brazil.
The results underline that mediation provides possibilities for enriching experiences to the spectator, in order to expand their artistic-cultural repertoire, stimulating their perceptive development by providing contacts with other knowledge that are produced in the social context and that, when shared, are apprehended as different knowledges.
In this sense, the mediation processes of a work are invented so that the spectator becomes a more active participant in the process of fructification, since he thinks, creates, imagines and transits through various senses and meanings.
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