The (im)possibilities of different methodologies in Emergency Remote Teaching
This work presents the report of an internship experience carried out in the subjects of Educational Psychology I and II, at the Faculty of Education of Federal University of Goiás, offered to the Licentiate degree in Biological Sciences, Philosophy and Music, at the academic period 2020/1. Our objective is to emphasize the importance of understanding different methodologies in the promotion of learning, especially in the context of Emergency Remote Teaching, punctuating possibilities and difficulties of teaching in this modality, based on the theoretical framework of the Historical-Critical Pedagogy. The experience reported considered a theoretical background and the (im)possibilities of analysis and intervention in practice as fundamental to qualificate teachers committed to education and the transformation of reality. The conclusion is that the experience was formative for the students, because despite the challenges of Emergency Remote Teaching, the use of diversified methodologies were beneficial.
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