Growing up with Risk: Children's behavior and adult supervision in risky play situations in a Kindergarten contexto
In today's society, children also play, but they play differently. The appearance of new technologies, the lack of free space to play, the decrease in autonomy and mobility are some of the factors that have been leading to a decrease in the time of free playing in the lives of children (Neto & Lopes, 2008).
As part of a broader investigation, carried out within the scope of the Supervised Professional Practice of the Master in Pre-School Education at the Lisbon Higher School of Education, on the risky play at preschool age and specifically on their potential for the integral development of the child, the present study aims to (a) identify the behaviors of children in situations of risky play and (b) identify the supervisory behaviors of adults in situations of risky play.
To respond to the outlined objectives, a qualitative or interpretive case study was undertaken, using various data collection techniques - direct participant observation and indirect observation, namely, interviews and focus groups supported by audiovisual resources, which made it possible to give a voice to those directly involved in the action (children, education professionals and families).
The data collected reveal the existence of a natural propensity for this group of children to play outdoors and to engage in risky play. It was also observed in the group a difference in behaviors between sexes regarding this type of play. In general, boys had more risky behaviors and more adhered to risky play than girls, who were more likely to point, comment and look. The presence of supervisory comments was also visible, both from children and adults, which intensify children's fear and end up preventing their action.
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