The conceptions of trainee teachers on the teaching of History of the Present in Portugal and its relationship with citizenship education
Teaching the present tense, Periodisation, Temporality of history, Basic education teacher trainingAbstract
This article is an analysis of the ideas and conceptions of trainee teachers about the teaching of the History of the Present of Portugal and its relationship with citizenship education. First, we look at their conceptions of the concept of History of the present. Secondly, the periodisation they use to refer to the historical process is mentioned and analysed, identifying facts and events that they consider to be part of the period. Thirdly, the ideas on the teaching of this historical period and how it enables the promotion of citizenship competences that allow students to develop skills to understand the dynamics of present-day Portugal are discussed.
This qualitative research is part of the field of Didactics of Social Sciences in the line of teacher training and citizenship education. The sample is made up of 21 students in the first and second years of basic education in History and Geography. Data collection was carried out through the application of a questionnaire, the development of a focus group and a documentary analysis.
The main results indicate that the students consider that both their academic training and their personal experiences shape the conceptions they have about the present. In addition, they recognise that the analysis of the current complexities of the country are fundamental in the construction of a critical and democratic citizenship.
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