Mediadores Artísticos e Culturais: que profissionalidade?


  • Cristina Barroso Cruz Professora Adjunta Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa
  • Laurence Vohlgemuth Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa



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Author Biography

Cristina Barroso Cruz, Professora Adjunta Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa

With a degree in Anthropology, a master’s in human Evolution and a Ph.D. in Biological Anthropology, I’m currently navigating between past, present, and future populations. I’m an associate professor at Lisbon School of Education (Polytechnic of Lisbon) where I teach in different degrees and masters and I’m part of the coordination team of Community development and Artistic and Cultural Mediation degrees. Since 2021 I'm the Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal Da Investigação às Práticas: estudos de natureza educacional and part Co-Coordinator of the CIED (Interdisciplinar Center for Education and Development).

In my research, I’m currently trying to integrate my academic background with my teaching subjects and, in that sense, I’m exploring avenues where cultural heritage, particularly bioarchaeological evidence from past populations, can provide insight on current social issues regarding cultural diversity. I’m also invested in exploring the role of democratization of culture and cultural democracy in social change and development, through participatory art projects.



How to Cite

Cruz, C. B., & Vohlgemuth, L. (2024). Mediadores Artísticos e Culturais: que profissionalidade?. Da Investigação às Práticas: Estudos De Natureza Educacional, 14(2), e394.