
Announcement for article submission

We have come to invite you to participate in the journal, submitting an unpublished article for it. The article can be of a theoretical, methodological, empirical or historical nature, being able to relate to any area of education.

Collaboration conditions
Collaboration proposals (articles, reviews, etc.) must be sent in electronic form (Word) on the platform of the magazine in the submissions tab.

All texts submitted for publication will be analyzed by at least two specialists in the area in which they are enrolled. From this analysis, feedback will be given to the authors and, whenever the reviewers understand it, reformulations will be requested.

Texts must have a maximum limit of 25 pages, in A4 format, numbered sequentially. The first page is intended to indicate exclusively: title of the article, name (s) of the author (s) and institution(s) to which it belongs, as well as postal addresses and contacts. The contact author must indicate: department, university, country and contact email.

Text settings
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To accompany the texts, abstracts must be sent in Portuguese, English (Abstract) and French (Résumé). Abstracts should not exceed 150 words (or 10 lines). In addition to the abstracts, keywords (3) must be indicated in the respective languages.

They must be numbered sequentially and inserted on the page to which they relate.

References throughout the text
They must be cited in the text (and not in a footnote), with the name of the author (s), followed by the year of publication (in parentheses) and page (s) if applicable. In the case of two authors, both names must be mentioned. If more than one article by the same author and from the same year is cited, the letters a, b, c, etc. must follow the year.

Final References
Bibliographic references must be ordered alphabetically at the end of the text according to the American Psychological Association's publication guidelines (Publication Manual, 5th edition, 2001).

Published texts are the sole responsibility of the respective authors. Unpublished originals will not be returned, unless expressly requested. Accepted texts may not be published in the immediate edition upon delivery, depending on their publication on the review process.