Early literacy development in Catalan: characteristics and instructional influence


  • Núria Castells Departamento de Psicologia e Educação, Universidade de Barcelona
  • Isabel Solé Departamento de Psicologia e Educação, Universidade de Barcelona




This article examines the relationship between the level of phonological segmentation, letter knowledge, and the strategies used to read and write, in 5-year-old children taught in Catalan. 69 children from 3 different classes participated. Each of their preschool teachers held a different conception about teaching early literacy: analytical, synthetic, or analytical-synthetic. Children were assessed at the beginning and at the end of text and a dictation. We performed fine-grained analysis on children‟s data to identify specific strategies and patterns. The qualitative analysis indicates that the ability to segment a wordtext and a dictation. We performed fine-grained analysis on children‟s data to identify specific strategies and patterns. The qualitative analysis indicates that the ability to segment a word into syllables orally seems to be sufficient for children to start reading in a conventional way. Furthermore, phonological segmentation and letter knowledge are used in relatively different ways depending on the type of text being read. Teachers‟ instructional approaches seem to have an influence on children‟s results.


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Como Citar

Castells, N., & Solé, I. (2013). Early literacy development in Catalan: characteristics and instructional influence. Da Investigação às Práticas: Estudos De Natureza Educacional, 3(1), 3–23. https://doi.org/10.25757/invep.v3i1.25


